Trauma healing

1.    Do you think there are some ways you’ve stopped yourself from growing? How so?

2.    When you were going through trauma, did you realize it at the time? If not, when did you?

3.    What emotions from the past are you still holding onto?

4.    In what ways has your trauma impacted your current behaviors and thought processes?

5.    Do you experience hypervigilance? (the state of constantly assessing threats around you) If so, what brings this feeling on the most?

6.    In what ways have you ultimately grown stronger from your trauma?

7.    Do you ever downplay what you’ve experienced? Why?

8.    Do you still have anger or resentment toward the situation or person that caused your trauma? Explain your feelings.

9.    In what ways have you moved forward or made progress away from your trauma?

10. How do you deal with tough memories, emotions, thoughts, or behaviors?

11. Do you have any self care activities in place? Write a list of 30 things, and circle 10 things you can do this month.

12. When interacting with others, do you tend to overshare or stay very private?

13. Do you experience nightmares? How frequently? Note any common or recurring themes.

14. Do you think your trauma is holding you back from living a fulfilling life?

15. Are you able to honor yourself and what you’ve been through, recognizing that it does not define you?

16. How can you show yourself more kindness, understanding, and compassion?

17. In which ways do you still have healing to do?

18. What is a negative core belief you hold? What evidence is there against it showing that it’s not true?

19. What are some ways you can express self love and be gentle to yourself through the healing process?

20. What are 5 things, people, or places that make you feel safe?

21. How have you persevered despite the trauma you faced?

22. What is the number one trauma response you’re working on and what steps are you taking to work on it?

23. What was your greatest fear as a child?

24. What was your greatest fear as a teenager?

25. What is/was your greatest fear as a young adult?