• Call up a friend

  • See a therapist

  • Set boundaries with friends and family

  • Take a long shower or bath

  • Take a dance class

  • Turn down the lights or get a cool new lamp

  • Do the 5-4-3-2-1 exercise: Notice 5 things you can see, 4-touch, 3-hear, 2-smell, 1-taste

  • Splurge on a cozy new blanket

  • Deep clean the house

  • Buy a new set of candles

  • Find a new skin care or makeup item

  • Find a new tool or men’s grooming item

  • Make a goal vision board on Pinterest or your laptop

  • Write out your 1, 5, and 10 year goals

  • Write out positive affirmations on post it notes and place them around your house

  • Cook a dish or meal

  • Visit a friend

  • Invite friends over for grilling or dinner and wine

  • Take a cooking class

  • Text your friends

  • Go out for food

  • Go to a happy hour and chat up the bartender

  • Plan a party

  • Take your animal outside or to the park

  • Exercise

  • Yoga

  • Kickboxing

  • Go for a walk outside

  • Borrow a friend’s dog and take it to the park

  • Lift weights at the gym

  • Give your pet a bath

  • Stretch

  • Find something funny to do, like a comedy show

  • Eat your favorite ice cream

  • Journal DAILY!

  • Brain Dump in your journal nightly

  • Do a social media detox

  • Go see local live music

  • Order your favorite cheat meal or dessert

  • Get up early enough to see the sunrise

  • Work on a painting or arts/crafts

  • Read a personal growth book

  • Watch a funny movie

  • Go get a haircut

  • Sleep or take a nap

  • Go see a movie

  • Go for a jog

  • Watch your favorite show

  • Ride your bike

  • Listen to your favorite podcast

  • Meditate/listen to guided meditations

  • Go for a swim

  • Go to a sporting event

  • Go hiking

  • Play a game with a friend

  • Do something exciting like surfing, climbing, skiing, skydiving, motorcycle riding, kayaking

  • Play a solitaire game

  • Play video games

  • Go shopping

  • Do a puzzle with a lot of pieces

  • Buy something on the internet

  • Sell something you don’t want on the internet

  • Join online dating

  • Get a massage

  • Get out of your house, even if you just

    Go for a drive in your car or go for a ride or just sit on public transportation

  • Plan a trip to somewhere you’ve never been

  • Eat chocolate (it’s good for you!)

  • Go to a spa

  • Sign up for a class that excites you

  • Set screen time limits

  • Organize your closet, clear out old clothes

  • Create a new morning routine

  • Take a walk in nature with a friend

  • Make plans with anyone and go do an activity

  • Buy yourself flowers or for someone else

  • Donate to a charity

  • Donate clothes or items

  • Create a guided meditation playlist

  • Create a rainstorm sleep playlist

  • Create a white noise or brown noise playlist for bedtime

  • Create a sleep hygiene routine

  • Take yourself on a date to your favorite restaurant

  • Go to a bookstore and read

  • Read your favorite book, magazine or newspaper

  • Go to your favorite café for coffee or tea

  • Read a trashy celebrity magazine

  • Visit a museum or local art gallery

  • Write a letter to a friend or family member

  • Go to the mall or the park and watch other people

  • Write things you like about yourself on paper

  • Pray or meditate

  • Write a poem, story, movie or play

  • Go to your church, synagogue, temple

  • Write in your journal a loving letter to yourself