
  • I am happiest when I...

  • The positive changes I want to make in the world are...

  • I am successful at reaching goals when I...

  • I struggle with my goals when I...

  • I can overcome challenges by...

  • I believe in myself because I...

  • If I feel I am losing faith in my own abilities I will...

  • If I'm feeling stressed on my journey I will...

  • If I need support to help me manifest my dreams, I will...

  • When I need a friend, I will reach out to...

  • I can simplify my life by

  • I am achieving this goal. It is important for me because

  • My future self is . . . .

  • I need this more in my life and I am going closer to it by

  • My intuition speaks to me by… The inner guidance is helping me by these signals

  • I am given $50,000 and I am spending it as

  • My intention for today is . . . I am building momentum, re-aligning myself as . . .

  • The thoughts/feelings which I am focusing on for manifestation today is . . . .

  • These are the actions where my attention is flowing for creating a better future

  • I am doing this today for inner growth & happiness

  • I am grateful for these things in life and I am manifesting more of them

  • I am excited to manifest this in my life. I am celebrating these future things in this way today . . .

  • If I were to write a love note to the universe/higher self/God then it would be like

  • I want to have this impact on the world

  • I am controlling my thoughts by

  • I am cultivating more joy in my life by

  • I am giving this type of energy to others

  • My dream life looks like

  • My life is different now because I believe everything is possible like

  • I am this in the next 5 years of my life

  • I am like this in the next 10 years of my life

  • My goal for this year is

  • My relation with money is

  • I am excited to manifest this in my life

  • I am succeeding because

  • I have the full potential of doing this because

  • I am a positive person because

  • I am changing these habits to

  • I am ready to manifest my dream life and the thing which proves this is . . .

  • The 20 affirmations that I repeat every day is

  • I feel abundant when

  • I am proud of myself. If I were to write a thank you letter to myself then it would be . . .

  • I am earning my dream money which is . . .

  • This is the message that I am willing to share with the world
    These are the decisions that I can take today to manifest my dream life

  • These are the ways through which I am a money magnet.

  • I am holding onto these 5 values

  • These are the 3 things is have achieved in the past year and I am celebrating them by

  • I am ready to commit to this
    My sole mission for next year is

  • My ideal partner is . . .

  • I show love to my ideal partner by

  • I feel loved when

  • I am lovable because

  • This is what I am willing to receive

  • I am willing to release

  • My desire list for today is (it can be as simple as enjoying a meal with friends)

  • My desire list for this week/month is

  • The desire list for this year is (buying a house/car)

  • I desire this

  • Financial achievements which I have are

  • I see my relationship in the last 6 months as

  • This is the last time when I found a new opportunity to manifest money

  • I need this more in my life

  • I can see myself making more money through this means, and this is the means which I am avoiding for years

  • I made these mistakes and I

  • I am proud of . . .

  • If I know that I would not fail then it would do . . . and right now I am doing

  • My favorite mantra is . . .

  • I am practicing financial self-care by . . .

  • I can see my dream vacation

  • My ideal way of generating income is

  • My biggest goal for now is . . .

  • I am being true to myself by

  • I am expressing my love to others by

  • I am being abundant by

  • The qualities I am associating with abundance is

  • I am embracing a wealthy lifestyle by

  • My mindset is changing by

  • I deserve abundance because

  • I feel abundance in

  • I am attracting miracles by

  • I affirm that the love I want is

  • I affirm the man I want to be like

  • I affirm the kind of relationship I enjoy is.