Anxiety and stress

  1. Describe a time when you felt fulfilled. Where were you? What were you doing? What about that moment felt so satisfying?

  2. If I could make one promise to myself it would be…

  3. Write a letter to your body.

  4. What does my anxiety sound, look and feel like to me?

  5. What is my first thought in the mornings? Keep a list.

  6. I’m so sick of…

  7. Today, I’m grateful for…

  8. What is one thing I wish I could change?

  9. What’s a quality I love about myself?

  10. Make a list of 10 affirmations to repeat when your anxiety spikes.

  11. What’s a way my anxiety has held me back recently?

  12. Write a letter to your past self.

  13. Brainstorm a list of activities to do to soothe anxiety. Reach for the list when you’re anxious!

  14. What would it feel like to forgive myself?

  15. What does my perfect day look like?

  16. What is something I need to let go of?

  17. What are some self-care ideas for when I’m feeling overwhelmed?

  18. Keep a list of anxiety triggers.

  19. When was the last time I said no to something? When was the last time I wish I said no to something?

  20. List three things that scare you and why.

  21. What is something I look forward to every single day?

  22. What signs do I notice before an anxiety attack?

  23. Think of a time when you failed at something. What did that experience teach you?

  24. Keep a list of nice things people say about you.

  25. Keep an ongoing list of worries that you want to let go of.

  26. Do I notice signs of anxiety, stress, or worries in others? How?

  27. What activities make me calm?

  28. Think of the last time you let negative thoughts spiral out of control. What were some of those thoughts?

  29. Write a letter to someone from your childhood. You don’t have to send it!

  30. Write about a time that you made someone’s day better.